Electrathon's core objectives are to build and race electric powered cars. As Electrathon is an endurance based race, similar to 24 hours at Le mans, we consequently build our cars towards efficiency in order to compete. Our races happen about once a month across the state of Florida. Electrathon focuses on being a place for engineers of all shapes and sizes to gain experience in a lab/workshop space, operate smoothly to accomplish a resource heavy task, and to most importanly enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of building something with their own hands to see that work go forth and win competitions.

Spring 2023 Battery project
Using 26650 lithium ion cells in an 20 series 3 parallel design we were able to complete phase 1 of our battery design project. After hot gluing the cells in place and and spot welding nickel strips on on top of the battery back we then wrapped it in heat resistant film to help with heat regulation and to provide a little extra structural rigidity to our pack in general. As seen in Fig 1, we then attached a 50amp 20s Daly BMS (battery management system) to the side of our pack and soldered wires in correspondence to the BMS cell count. Fig 2 shows the battery pack is fully sealed in heat resistance film and the XT 90 connector has been attatched in order to make the battery to plug into our hub wheel motor. Fig 3 Shows the battery pack then sealed with Heat shrink to further protect against outside damages and the batteries making contact with any external object. Fig 4 is our good pal Jasper.

Spring 2023 Regen
Spring 2023 Regen braking was added to our motor controller and a button was attached to our steering handle for driver accessibility. Regen braking allows our car to use the friction and kinetic force of the motor wheel in order to regain some of our lost charge. Similar to how engine braking works in a combustion engine car.

Spring 2023 Wireless Communication Project. WORK IN PROGRESS
The goal of this project was to test the feasibility of having a Bluetooth module put into the car and a 3.5 in display serving as our new display for the driver. Fig 1 shows the pre-model schematics four our ESP32, GPS module, and 3.5in display. Fig 2 shows a rough version on how everything would be connected, while Fig 3 shows the module connected and the display is powered showing off information. The youtube link shows the bare minimum capability of the module by tracking speed and GPS location on a map. We are expecting to add more functions to the system as we keep adding code to our project. Current status as of writing 8/25

Our Team
2023/2024 Diamond Sponsors:

If you are interested in being our sponsor, please contact the ELECTRATON Chair Joshua Basso: ieeeusfelectraton1@gmail.com